Saturday, December 8, 2018

The night withers like a faded dream.
The lampposts are going dim.
This little town, yours and mine
will begin to stir in the beige morning light.
I had never seen it this way dressed
wearing the roof-tops like jeweled crowns.
How simple the road looks where we have trodden
in and out like trains running to and fro
between the two appointed tasks
bothering never to look around.
The horizon widens with every step
the sun takes slowly, rising like clear songs
swimming in the medley of pink and blue.
The road goes straight to the distant hill
I know it's a long way still.
I am not eager to leave this track.
I know each and every home,
the way the aroma of cooking marks each one
distinct and uniquely defined in the morning mist.
The windows are lighting up one by one,
as if orchestrated by the unseen hand of a grandmaster.
I shall pass along this road quietly holding your hand
the way we entered this town once upon a time long ago.

Sushama Karnik
Dec 7, 2018

Thank you very much for the image +Tanya Dimitrova
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