The brainmap is not the same for all.
Diversity, and curiosity.
I can neither see nor prove to you my mind exists.
And so we need an analyst who knows better than me
how my mind works,
and all this while I lie on the couch
and wonder what it is that the doctor sees.
My mind plays hide and seek,
and at every move my mind makes,
the chessboard plays topsy turvy,
sending the chessmen tumbling down
before the doctor understands the rules of the game.
Tighe O'Donoghue Ross Dear Sushama...WOW...much as I have appreciated all of your efforts...this one leaps to the fore...
How powerfully relevant, how purposely incredibly revealing of the process...truly a masterpiece Dear Sushama...I am gobsmacked!!! Image credit: Tighe Donoghue Ross