Friday, April 29, 2022

 An invisible hand that paints my life;

my mornings savour the taste of the coffee 

being poured sweetly with music in my mug. 

My window opens instantly with no password or a key. 

Watching the world flow beyond the mist gathered on the glass 

and feeling the warmth of the mist 

I gather in my heart the blending of the colour of my coffee 

and the tingling sensation of grey world out in the morning rush. 

Come and share with me once my bitter sweet coffee inside the room 

and beyond the glass of the window pane 

The world tinged with the shades of gray.

Sushama Karnik

Thursday, April 28, 2022

There, I saw some godly beings

in robes of pink,

their bodies, drawn in a hazy ink.
I saw them fly past a sacred ring.
I saw them: a lady emerging in the greyish dawn,
her wisdom-child walking along, touching the brim of morning light.
As if someone had drawn them with the evening hues
and waited through the dark for the night to end.
In the light of the dawn, they flew
unfettered on the wings of the swan.
Sushama Karnik.

Friday, April 22, 2022

 Certain mornings come

with a confusion on mind. I wake up late;
the trees are quiet; no birds sing.
I missed the hour of gratitude.
The hours are a drag, a push and pull.
I just want to go back to sleep and dream.
Such quiet on a morning
in this bustling town!
It's not in keeping with my city!
I remind myself, it's not good! It is the lockdown.
Keep the windows shut or open, as you please.
Pick up the phone, say a few words,
make a video call, connect.
Connect with the world.
Such a weird word, "Connect"!
I feel guilty at every point I missed
not having done those little things,
too much embroiled as I was in anxiety.
Yesterday, riding alone in the auto,
mindful of what I had to do
on my way to my vaccination,
a lad came to sell something
as the vehicle paused at the signal.
He kept chasing me;
I can't forget my guilt as he said,
Buy it for ten; ok; buy for eight.
I'm hungry."
I couldn't make up my mind
because I was nearing the place where I had to take a turn,
And I had better not make a mistake and miss that turn.
I didn't even look at his face. But his voice still lingers in my mind.
Throughout the day I was regretful
May God have given him some customer
who fulfilled his need.
God bless him.
Françoise Dhulesia