Sunday, December 11, 2022

 The Candle In Her Eyes

The eyes, burning calm on the midnight of lamps,
disembarked from the flow, behold the night unveil
like a candle in the wind,
caught in the backwaters of the familiar sea,
something hit the waters without a wave or a ripple.
The candle in her eyes burnt steady.
May be a closeup

 Dainty, crisp and witty, the woman

stares at the crystal green,
the window half closing and half revealing
what was aimed and what was gained.
A body still supple and lean and a mind still scintillating.
The stars and the sky are best revealed
when watched from a window, crystal green.
Sushama Karnik.
Thanks for the image Karine Kergroac'h
May be an image of 1 person and indoor