Thursday, June 27, 2024

 A summer when a green meadow spreads for miles,

and a girl stands basking in the sun,
grasping, clutching her hands aloft, overhead,
alone like a whistling wind,
a moment of feeling gets sculpted in my mind,
a memory that never dims.
Sushama Karnik.
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Hakeber Bkb and Zakkary Dodds

Saturday, June 22, 2024

 "I want to be with those who know secret things or else be alone."

And then again,
If you know all those secret things,
You just may enjoy the drop
Of rain
Falling on your nose

Friday, June 21, 2024

Butterfly trail of light-feathered child.
The road is long, and lonely too.
Hardly another traveler seen around. The sunshine hour!
The time of life to ride free. Each step free of burden of thoughts, just a lesson that is picked up a moment ago
adding zest to the art of walking.
Carrying a bouquet of silence from the plains,
the child has freshly learnt
that vastness need not stun a flower of wilderness.
Carry the blessings, O child of light!
Sushama Karnik.
Thank you Daniele for the image. It made my day.
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La solitude nous amène vers la plus simple lumière : nous ne connaîtrons jamais d'autre perfection que celle du manque. Nous n'éprouverons jamais d'autre plénitude que celle du vide, et l'amour qui nous dépouille de tout est celui qui nous prodigue le plus.
Christian Bobin (Lettres d'or)
Loneliness brings us to the simplest light: we will never know any other perfection than that of lack. We shall never experience fullness other than emptiness, and the love that deprives us of everything is the love that produces us the most.
Christian Bobin (Lettres d'or)
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Thursday, June 6, 2024

 A blue forest,

a tree at every step, and the canopy covers the sky.
The night of the wolf ; a poignant, doleful cry,
a primal anguish, the soul is awake,
the howling does not cease.
The breath is a storm. Look up to search
for the hidden God.
Glimpses shining like millions of stars
The sky in splinters,
its beauty like particles of diamonds,
dazzles the eye.
This forest is the pathfinder,
not the end.
The Beloved is somewhere in this land
a lamp in hand,silent as the white night.
The dust and fog
will evaporate,
and I shall see the light within.