Thursday, March 14, 2019

The sun was far into the day,
the thoughts of the mid-day meal,
rains on the head, no shelter in sight;
missed the bus, missed the train,
reaching home was a farthest dream
in the city of torment and grime.
And suddenly a lull, a desperate calm,
nestled like a dreamy cat,
under an improvised shed, on a forsaken bench.
A beckoning sign , a gesture of grace.
And some moments stolen from the rush of the day
as I quietly sat down and laid to rest
the broken limbs, the delirious brain;
a solitude that was an island of peace
and the mind came home like a stealthy fugitive
receiving grace.

Aug 3, 2015
When people begin to meditate, they often say that their thoughts are running riot and have become wilder than ever before. But I reassure them and say that this is a good sign. Far from meaning that your thoughts have become wilder, it shows that you have become quieter and are finally aware of just how noisy your thoughts have always been. Don’t be disheartened or give up. Whatever arises, just keep being present, keep returning to the breath, even in the midst of all the confusion.

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