Saturday, April 27, 2019

That's my dream
to travel back,
back home,
to the last stop
till the last drop
of the sunlight
fades from the view;
the train I caught when it was the day
starting in the crowded city.
Then I shall be the last one left
falling asleep to the song of the wind,
the hermetic text a cover for me
tightly held in half sleep.

Sushama Karnik
July 13, 2018

Thanks for this dream image +Knihovna Chrášťany
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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A paper boat on dark waters
this is how sometimes life flows.
The night awakens to a foghorn,
and the boat moves on with no rudder.
When all the stipulated tasks are done
we find the paper boat gone,
and we have landed safely on the rocky shore.
Trust whatever boat you find in the dark,
be it paper or a boat made of a solid trunk,
be it a log floating alongside as you float;
it's being together that matters most.

Sushama Karnik
Feb 22, 2018

Thanks for the image +pasajul de noapte
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