Friday, April 9, 2021

A bird came from an arid land
to rest on my table with a heart forlorn.
I saw it as my duty, a privilege rather,
to extend to the bird a helping hand.
The sunlight caught the bird in its heart and mind,
and spun around  the bird a sheathe of light.
The ash-tray on my table,
and the bottle of wine
fell silent. Everything listened intently
to the silent dialogue between the bird and me.
The bird wanted nothing; it needed not
a word of sympathy or pity.
It rested awhile in the serenity
of that morning sun, and the silence that spoke of
something we shared and refused to divulge for a long while.
Birds have prolific histories to tell
of oceans of serenity and the skies in a rage.
  • Sushama Karnik Thank you Erika Vees. Today seems to be our day!😊
  • György Fülöp
  • Erika Vees Csodás találkozás, amikor nem akar az ember mást, mint a találkozást. ....Wonderful encounter like when one does not want anything else but a meeting with each other
  • Erika Vees Én is úgy gondolom. Nincs távolság, ami szétválassza az egybeillőket...I think so too. There is no distance separating the which Matches
  • Andrea Béres Beautiful lines are nice @Sushama! Silence and transient beauty, resting on the elusive moments, move forever into our hearts! Gyönyörű sorok...A megfoghatatlan pillanatokban nyugvó csend és múlandó szépségek örökre szívünkbe költöznek!

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