Friday, November 15, 2019

Autumn Is Moving

The autumn is moving; it's moving fast.
And I can't get enough of watching.
In between a pause, a sojourn where the season stops.
My town, my city, a log seems to block the passage of the season.
It rains, off season. It always does in this city, in this state.
I can do nothing to stop the rain. It rains until it floods.
The city is no longer the same.
All seasons crowd here in this city and forever seem to block the passage of time.
This city is an aberration against the backdrop of time.
So the seasons gather and there is a fog.
The seasons blur and merge in the fog.
It is an eternal autumn or eternal rain.

Wharfedale by Moonlight, 1871 by John Atkinson Grimshaw


  1. Totul se mișcă repede
    atât de repede că parcă suntem în afara timpului
    ca niște năluci...
    - Iubita mea, mai suntem?!

    Ce descriere poetică! Ce concentrare de cuvinte și de sensuri...
    Mă bucur că am afat de la tine starea orașului tău. Mulțumesc.

  2. Am vrut să scriu: Mă bucur că am aflat de la tine despre starea orașului tău. Mi-a scăpat o literă din comentariul anterior. Mulțumesc.
