I go berserk on losing a thing.
It doesn't matter what.
Order scares me,
but so does the chaos!
I seek order most of the times,
and the more the seeking,
the more is the fear of falling into chaos.
I have a reputation built by now
for losing the things if placed in my custody.
The things lost, haunt my memory.
They escape the bounds of materiality.
Obsessions have no real cord,
and yet they bind you to the thing that has gone out of the reach.
The thing has a smell, an aroma, a feel,
like a book you loved and it got misplaced,
and the duplicate will not do.
In the kinds of madness that come with losing a book,
the one that haunts you when you misplace a thing is far worse.
Rummage through the familiar places where you hide the keys,
and for days on end, the thing can't be found,
and it doesn't go into oblivion either.
With the passage of time I have been sitting on a mountain
of things lost and never found.
It doesn't matter what.
Order scares me,
but so does the chaos!
I seek order most of the times,
and the more the seeking,
the more is the fear of falling into chaos.
I have a reputation built by now
for losing the things if placed in my custody.
The things lost, haunt my memory.
They escape the bounds of materiality.
Obsessions have no real cord,
and yet they bind you to the thing that has gone out of the reach.
The thing has a smell, an aroma, a feel,
like a book you loved and it got misplaced,
and the duplicate will not do.
In the kinds of madness that come with losing a book,
the one that haunts you when you misplace a thing is far worse.
Rummage through the familiar places where you hide the keys,
and for days on end, the thing can't be found,
and it doesn't go into oblivion either.
With the passage of time I have been sitting on a mountain
of things lost and never found.
Sushama Karnik
17 June, 2017
View 9 previous comments
- And such is my acceptance in gratitude, my precious friend +Fabien Todescato
REPLY Jun 18, 2017 - +Sushama Karnik
Your poems have something more than beauty, they are thought
Provoking and let us enjoy the dreams in reality and this is fantastic.REPLY Jun 18, 2017 -
Jun 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017
- Thoughts never gone but where did they go. I misplaced so may. Seems when I find some, they just don't look the same or maybe they just out grew me. Sushama, maybe it's why we scribble so much, we just don't want to lose those thoughts. Your thoughts my dear friend are to savor and enjoy as nourishment...be well! +Sushama Karnik
REPLY Jun 27, 2017 - +The Art Of Living I am so glad to find you commenting on this post my dear friend! I am trying to be more organized about thoughts and things so as not to lose them. I am glad that find nourishment in my writings. Then my humble effort at sharing thoughts is rewarded. Hope you are in good company of friends and family and are enjoying every moment.
REPLY Jun 26, 2017
Da, pierdute și regăsite și pierdute, pierdute definitiv.