Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Rising Of The Moon


It has been a while
since the rising of the moon,
a moon that shines on the bogs and valleys,
and the sands of the deserts that burnt in the day.
It is luminosity,
a sheer delight
The light has conquered the dense body of the tree,
The light finds its way into everything dense
as does water
breaking through the surfaces of rocks.
The moonlight comes in waves, in tides,
and swirls around the earth.
Nothing is left untouched.
The moon on certain nights
is determined to conquer the sky and the earth,
the sea, the sands and the rivers,
and bind them all in a harvest sheaf
using every strain of magic in its band.
On one such night he came with a torch,
and flashed a shaft of the light
on the tree trunks and the roots
scanning the surfaces and delving deep
into the roots.
In one hand the torch,
a magic wand in the other,
he was stunned to find a different world.
A distant tower beyond the lake
had cast its shadow
and the ripples smiled in peace.
A butterfly, like the breath of the forest,
trembled and took off on the ephemeral pair of wings.
Sushama Karnik
Aug. 24, 2019
Thanks for the painting:
Tighe O'Donoghue Ross
No photo description available.

Don the era on your body: The Mystic Visions Of Tighe O' Donoghue Ross

 Don the era on your body.

The spirit lives and revisits the mountains
where the cauldrons sleep.
The mountains sleep and come back to life
from the dormant state and speak again.
What lies in the hearts of the bottomless pits,
the aeons who know have fallen into silence;
They who know, do not speak.
The spirit returns with a torch in hand
and a solitary reindeer watches in wonder,
standing atop a solitary hill.
Has the cauldron begun to kindle the embers into a flame,
or will that happen soon
or after aeons will have elapsed hence?
Time changes the parameters of history,
but will it bring the story back again?
Parameters change,but the bare essentials stay the same.
This was the place where the witches once gathered
and danced around the cauldrons live,
beating to the rhythm of the script of Time,
saying, "When shall we three meet again,
the past, the present and the future,
the three mystic daughters of Time,
in thunder, light and rain?"
These words were inspired by the mystic visions painted by
Tighe O'Donoghue Ross
Sem Xtz, Tighe O'Donoghue Ross and 7 others

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Wind-swept winter

 Wind-swept winter and some buds seek

the warmth of mother earth.

From the potted plant to the depth of the soil,

a loving acceptance of another life,

from the flowering stage

to the stage of the primal life of seeds,

the circle goes, with the butterflies showing

the path that leads by the diurnal rounds of the sun.

Thanks for the image: Lise Wal

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Delicate porcelain, a vessel of choice.

a little bit of honey, a little bit of lime,

peace at heart and on the lips a smile

this is all that it takes to make tea divine.

Thank you for the image @Milan Lakić

 Photo album: црно - беле

Thing Finder - Edinburgh Café by Dieter Krehbiel


Hello Dear Sushama, I was very curious about you.  I hope you're good and healthy.

2 Replies

Telepathy! I was thinking of you. Miss your classic posts. Start posting again even if they are from the old stock. I am fine! How are you? Hope you are well. My best wishes to you in advance for 2020. @Murat Murat

    Glad Sushama is both too.  to be healthy and good.  Happy New Year.