Sunday, January 3, 2021

Delicate porcelain, a vessel of choice.

a little bit of honey, a little bit of lime,

peace at heart and on the lips a smile

this is all that it takes to make tea divine.

Thank you for the image @Milan Lakić

 Photo album: црно - беле

Thing Finder - Edinburgh Café by Dieter Krehbiel


Hello Dear Sushama, I was very curious about you.  I hope you're good and healthy.

2 Replies

Telepathy! I was thinking of you. Miss your classic posts. Start posting again even if they are from the old stock. I am fine! How are you? Hope you are well. My best wishes to you in advance for 2020. @Murat Murat

    Glad Sushama is both too.  to be healthy and good.  Happy New Year.


      1 comment:

      1. Ceaiul care aduce liniște și pace în trup,
        Minunată căldură și aromă deosebită
        Ceaiul care atunci când îl beau
        mă face să mă gândesc la tine
        Din acest vas divin,numit Poezie,
