Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Massive clouds

the dream of rains. 

A window opens.

The window of expectancy.

Far from here

a horizon hints, you know not

there is life 

where a day begins. 

Awareness too is a horizon

of multiple dawns and clouds,

they dance and sing

Give me wings

This window and the sky

are ever enacting

shifting shapes,

eternal partners 

of the dance of days and nights,

the birds coming and going

and coming again.

No space for sadness.

It's all a part of God's dream.


Image:Interview with Mitchell Johnson- Painting Perceptions

Saturday, November 20, 2021

when millions of stars about to rise
will soon be the million eyes of God.
Twilight is the time when half of the light is about to fade
and make space for the night to come and reign. 
Then God will don many robes 
and we'll not know in which garb 
God will hide and open our eye.
God's signature will flourish in a corner of the sky,
but to find it we must read
the entire letter.

Thursday, November 18, 2021


A window in solitude
the sun sloping down on the hills, trees reclining,
a quiet descending, a coffee mug,
the smoke of dried up twigs
rising beyond,
spreading a screen of something I cannot name,
hope, despair, sleep...
I need a book to browse the pages of a life,
which I started reading in my youth,
and then gave up for something else,
and then began an endless trail
of stories given up half read,
bookmarked for reading at a later day, a better time,
a time marked but never recounted, for the time of counting was long gone.
This window's not bad, after all.
The coffee has tasted never so warm, never so good.
A trifle lot of odd things, collected and thrown away.
A solitary window, a coffee mug,
a landscape with a few brushstrokes, simple, uncluttered,clean.
Just have to mind that marine blue,
which I always tended to overuse
and plunge the perfected piece with just that addition of marine blue
into a dark tide of despairing gloom
which no amount of cleaning and rubbing salt over
could rectify and restore to the serene blue of the sky

Monday, November 15, 2021

 The night, the river in a quiet flow,

and the thing whispered by the stars,
The discreet sign in the whisper of stars.
Unbearable silence in your being here
and yet so far away.
Nothing is my own in the gathering of stars
and yet this feeling that I own it all.

Unsplash Pictures of River At Night

Image: 111 Narmada River Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images ...

Sunday, November 14, 2021

 Dishayen magna dhoopme

Natmastak vruksha hai.

Is modpar ruka hua  

ek naya muquam hai.

Jahanse tum nikal pade woh muquam hai kahan?

Ab toh sirf raah  hai. 

Eik kiwad bandh hua; 

eik kiwad khul gaya. 

Jis mod se hum aaye hai woh rasta banta gaya.

Aage eik suraag hai; badalonki autme subahka chirag hai.

kadmontale chhod gaya is rehgujarme humsafar

woh nishan abtalak is viranagi me baki hai. 

Beyond this bend

close by

is an abode.

There, In reverence are

the trees

bending low,

and the four quarters are bathing in the sun.

Where is that place where you started from?

Now is only the road ahead.

A door closed.

you walked ahead;

to an avenue into another life,

And the path emerged as you walked.

Somewhere near will be a sign.

Behind the clouds, the morning star.

The footprints of the one who left

to let me walk alone

are reminiscent of the time past



 Uska na adi anta hai'

Uska na kabhi janma hai.

Uska na koi mrutyu  hai.

Use na koi janta, na koi pehchanta.

phir bhi woh karib hai jitna

 utna koi na aur hai.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

 Come when the wind is high like billowy waves

and the blue curtains swell like the sails of a boat.
The winds will be screaming
in answer to the rising tide
and the walls will be the autumnal skies.

Tobacco and coffee, and life is easy;
easier far than vodka and whisky.
Come to hear the stories of love
and I will make you float on the wings of dove.
Come to the cafe; it's easier listening than in a bar,
and better still if the cafe is by the sea
and the tides will change
from low to high and high to low.

The sleepy houses will wake up to life.
The housetops will raise their heads
one by one on the slope of the road.
Some lights are flickering here and there
which the last night had forgotten to put out
before leaving the rest of the things
in the hands of the day.
Aromas of different kinds
are filling up the air as chimneys begin to emit smoke.
The heavenly scents of the morning of the hillside town
are calling now.

Sushama Karnik. 

11 Nov. 2021.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Soch me magan ghatiyan

aur pahhdonki mamta

inke beech

वैली ब्रूड एंड माउंटेन वॉच

जब एक महिला धूप में बैठती है,

वह और उसकी छाया फिर से परिभाषित

  उमस भरी दोपहर का एकांत।

सदियों के अँधेरे में निशाचर घूंघट

औरत के रूप में उठा सकते हैं

पिघलती अँधेरी में बादल बहेंगे

और दूर तक, समुद्र गूँजेगा

एक घाटी में सपनों की आवाज़।

कल एक अलग दिन हो सकता है,

आइए आशा करते हैं कि जिस सुबह का हम इंतजार कर रहे थे,

जिस समय के लिए हमने अथक परिश्रम किया,

जब हम हर दिन कई बार मरते थे

एक आदर्श दिन जीने की आशा में।

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

 Bygone times are glimpsed through walls 

where the plaster falls, and the bricks smile, 

saying , "We are here; Time is standing still in style".

Those days we lacked the wherewithal

to pay for the light we searched,

and by the time we found the light

we needed no walls 

it was all open space.

In and out, light came free;

it came in abundance.

,with no wherewithal to pay.

10 Nov. 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021

 Each new tree

a mood that sits and adorns the branch.
Each new mood,
a new feather added to the pride of its heart.
Every tree is a life lived in its intensity,
be it the dwindling glow
fading in the twilight of the grey,
or the rising sun blessing the life,
every tree is a life
lived in intensity
shining a light through the fibre of its being.
No photo description available.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

 Hindi version of 'An Autumnal Night'

क शरद ऋतु की रात, अन्य सभी रातों की तुलना में अधिक तीव्र,
और एक धूप वाले दिन से भी साफ।
यहां से तेज बारिश हुई है।
यह बह गया और रास्ता बदल गया।
इसने पोखरों में चाँद के निशान छोड़े
और उन्हें नदियों के नाम से पुकारा।
उसने अंधेरे में आदमी का पीछा किया
और उसकी पीठ पर वर्षा की बूंदों के ब्रश से उसे छुआ।
इसने पत्तों को हिलाया और पत्तियाँ चाँदी की ट्रे में गिरा दीं,
शरद ऋतु के सितारों का लाल और सोना।

Autumnal Night

 An autumnal night, more intense than all other nights,

and clearer than a sunlit day.
A hasty rain has passed by here.
It swept over and changed the ways.
It left trails of moon in the puddles
and called them by the names of rivers.
It chased the man in the dark
and touched him with a brush of raindrops on his back.
It stirred the leaves and the leaves dropped into the silver tray,
red and gold of autumn stars.

Sushama Karnik. Nov. 2. 2021
No photo description available.

Shore scene with waves and braekwater. J.M.W. Turner. WikiArt.log

 Turner's painting

The spontaneity to retain
the grandeur of the moment,
to spend hours at the task and struggle with the canvas, the technique and the resistance
of the material and the medium,
the precision breaking at a critical stage,
the vagueness that overshadows
and conquers the vision, a happy error,
and when the hand and the eye decide to pause...
that moment of withdrawal is the moment of art and the artist. Magnanimity is born out of mundane struggles.

Shore Scene with Waves and Breakwater, c.1835 - J.M.W. Turner -