Sunday, January 9, 2022

 From the archive: June 24, 2015

A sparkling goddess up in the snows, on the icy heights of the mountains,
be thou the source of the energy in all beings, great and small.
The spirit of humility, be thou the star that shines with a steady light on the path of devotion to beings all.
A guardian mother, thou O Goddess hold thy children to your heart, the mother that thou art to all.
Serene like the moon in the autumnal sky, shower peace on all
from thy silence where you dwell in a quiet contemplation.
O goddess of grace what shall we do without your vigilance, as we wander away from the path?
O goddess of faith, let our faith not waver in doubt
of the awareness of that which you hold; that which is what is true for all.
O goddess of plenty, do not withhold anything;
anything that's not thy gift in a disguise, thy profuse bounty of love and grace.
O goddess of infinite compassion, thy rays of mercy may find the path to each tormented heart of every being.
And at the end of the hectic day, let thy gentle light enter our sleep and give us the lost treasure we always seek, a glimpse of thy mysterious form, thy Maya, the beautiful illusion of thy divine form that has no earthly parallel.

Based on a Sanskrit hymn addressed to Goddess Saraswati.

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