Thursday, January 16, 2025

 I made it up to the land's end,

but now begins the sea.
You have brought a rowing boat from the far end
but how do I trust you and the sea?
This cumbersome dress, this hat that is waiting to fly with the wind
and the hardest thing, how do I step into the boat?
I can neither swim nor float.
This. is no picnic my dear is no picnic my dear
I was better off in my study.
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Anders Zorn, Sommarnöje (Watercolor, 1886)
Anders Leonard Zorn was a Swedish impressionist painter, sculptor, and printmaker. Wikipedia
Born: February 18, 1860, Mora, Sweden
Died: August 22, 1920, Mora, Sweden
On display: National Gallery of Art, MORE
Periods: Artistic Realism, Impressionism, Modern Art, Modernism, Realism Painting, Academicism
Spouse: Emma Zorn (d. 1885–1920)
Parents: Grudd Anna Andersdotter, Johann Leonard Zorn
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Françoise Dhulesia

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