Saturday, August 3, 2019

There have been many before and after
who came and went.
They put their mind to the work in hand,
and left this place with a satisfaction
feeling that they had achieved the goal.
He came with a perpetual unrest in heart
and always at the end of the day
went to bed with a deeper and deeper
feeling of imperfection that did not let him sleep.
One day he wondered at the unrest in heart, and all the wonders and the presence of Him who
did not let him sleep before he could unlock
the secrets of the mysteriously illumined
world of lights and the shadows.
His canvas spoke a language of myths.
His canvas told stories of the lives
of small people who lived in their work
and their passion was what he wanted to paint.
Who else but Van Gogh would say those words?
"I put my heart and soul
into my work, and I have
lost my mind in the process."
Sushama Karnik (c)
3 Aug. 2019
Thanks for the image of sunflowers which take me to Vincent Van Gogh.

What if you finally saw
that the Sunflowers,
turning toward the sun
all day and every day
who knows how, but they do it
were more precious,
more meaningful than gold?
~ Mary Oliver ~
Good Morning  

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