The uphill journey ends.
Here, it seems just a slope to climb,
the last one of the tedious round.
The road seems to vanish
beyond the murky line of the sky.
I trudged along in search of a small house;
its one room dark with the soot of fire
and the other room letting in no light from the sun.
I can already smell the aroma of early bread
being baked in the country oven.
Three little girls danced around;
their piggy-tails swaying in the breeze.
Their laughter echoes on the top of the hill;
they are the paragons of the soft and innocent glee.
Their gowns were tinted with sublime gold.
the dainty handiwork of mother's satin embroidered stitch.
I stand at the foot of the hill, dreaming of what I might see
of the small house away from the bustle of the town,
oblivious that time never stands still,
and who knows what I might find
there beyond the murky line of the sky.
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