Door-handles Speak
Door Handles
Glass, mortise, pine
door handles for all kinds.
Door handles to shine
for grime and dusty shoes and hungry dogs.
Door handles to proclaim your status and declare your might
to the lowly men in dirty collars.
Door handles to secure your place on earth so long as you are here as overlords
of treacherous empires
gloating and oozing in the glamour of your dubious opulence.
Door handles as leverages for cronies and stooges
Door handles that scare and keep off the multitudes grieving,
Door handles that hide alarms which go off
at the touch of a stupid armed robber who will dare to attack and try
to break the door open.
Door handles that will set off an alarm loud and clear
while you are able to sleep on your king-size beds without the help of a tranquilizer--
We manufacture them all.
'Dirty Hands Off'
All reactions:
24Michal Vörös, Zolabani Zolabani and 22 others