Friday, December 15, 2023

Houses Which Were Homes 14 December 2018.

 Houses Which Were Homes

Houses come and go
like shadows hovering
in the sunset mood.
Abstruse geometry of the mind
opens the secret codes.
The cities in the memories
expand and open
the black-holes and greet the sun
Houses come and go
but the walls, whitewashed,
are still the same.
There are those patches on the wall
shining brighter still
where once was hung a picture frame,
and the kitchen is just the same.
The aroma of spring
blends with the wind.
Hunger awakens for
the messages of seasons.
The teapot dances on the old stove,
the morning is full of sounds
and the best of all is the sound
of tea getting poured into white chipped off mugs.
The abstruse geometry of the mind
opens the secret codes
and the entry points
are all along the lines
which I believed were washed away
in the Lethe-ward flow of time.
O the nostalgic mind, stay quiet;
do not shake the roots of the tree.
14 December 2018.


Françoise Dhulesia
Am literally in awe. You give the abandoned home its life back, its secret codes bear no mystery to you. You wake the house up and make it a home, with its soul expressed in the textures of its walls, and your poetic words seem to dust off the place: as if by magic, the river of forgetfulness is stopped in its course, and in a whisper, you break free from the abstruse geometry of the mind".( I have loved this phrase!).

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